University of TSUKUBA Womens Soccer Team

玉村如捺(4年)Hang Yuan FC 加入決定のお知らせ



弊部所属の玉村如捺が、台湾のHang Yuan FCに加入することが決定いたしましたので、お知らせいたします。


玉村如捺(たまむら ゆきな)

所属: 体育専門学群
出身: 岡山県作陽高等学校女子サッカー部
ポジション: DF

この度Hang Yuan FCに加入することになりました玉村如捺です。




We are pleased to announce that Yukina Tamamura, a member of our club, has decided to join Hang Yuan FC in Taiwan. Congratulation Yukina!


Yukina Tamamura

Affiliation : Physical Education
Former team : Okayama Prefecture Sakuyo High School Women’s Soccer Club
Position: DF


My name is Yukina Tamamura, and I am pleased to announce that I am joining Hang Yuan FC.

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank HYFC, Footare, and all other people who have given me this opportunity to continue playing soccer after graduating from university.
There were many conflicts that led me to this decision. However, more than that, I realized that I am supported by so many people.

My soccer life from now on will be completely different from my previous student soccer life.
I will enjoy this aspect of my life and devote myself to contributing to the team’s victories and repaying those who have helped me up to now in the form of results.
Thank you for your continued support.